We improve the communication of organizations. We build effective brands. We develop user-centered websites. We design for all media and devices. We provide ongoing support to our clients.


Our projects

We have been working for more than 20 years with international organizations, civil society organizations, small companies and independent professionals, always providing the time and adequate knowledge.


Branding development and identity design

El concepto, el nombre, el logotipo, los símbolos y los lemas son los identificadores gráficos necesarios para instalar la marca. Es el primer paso de todo proceso de construcción de identidad.

Integration with social media

The potential that social media have today is already indisputable, therefore integrating them properly in every website is essential. 

Interfaces programming

The organization and legibility of the texts, the accessibility to the content, the usability and navigability of the site are essential when designing an interface and define the user experience.

Communication strategies development

Developing a communication strategy, regardless of the magnitude of the project, involves different stages: knowing the target population, defining the appropriate product and developing it according to the required professional standards. 


You need to make your services and products known and sold: e-commerce carts, digital catalogs, ads for social networks and banner ads today are essential for your business.
carritos e-commerce, catálogos digitales, anuncios para redes sociales y banners ads hoy son escenciales para tu negocio.

Desarrollo de plataformas de e-learning LMS

Si necesitás diseñar tus cursos en línea te ofrecemos el desarrollo de un Learning Management System (LMS) integrado a Wordpress como es el caso de LearnDash. Podrás: Gestionar cursos, módulos y lecciones, ofrecer un sistema de cuesitonarios y exámenes, ofrecer certificados, rankear los resultados, ofrecer una variedad de ejercicios, asignar recursos como videos, documentos y archivos de audio. 

About us

Sebastian Rimedio

Graphic designer (UX/UI) graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. With extensive experience in visual identity and editorial design. Specialized in digital design and interface development.

Malena Rimedio

Graduated in Communications Sciences froma University of Buenos Aires. MA in Sociology of Culture from Essex University, UK. She participated in various projects in the public and private sector in the area of visual communication, editorial design and development of digital content.


Large, medium and small, they trust us, they choose us every day, we put everything in each new project.

  • Cleintes Docke Artboard 9 Copy 19
  • Logothe New School
  • Unicef
  • Buenos Aires
  • Logoministerio De Educacion
  • Logo Unsam
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  • Logocippec
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  • Logo Save The Children
  • Logo Doncel
  • Logo Arte Para La Casa